Category Archives: On the wheel of His will


Jeremiah 18:3, ‘Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel.’

I am writing this to you with prayer and thanks to my Lord. His grace is more than enough for me amen. Jeremiah was sent to the potter’s house so that God would speak to him practically. God has called me as Jeremiah, and many times, He teaches me just as he taught Jeremiah, by taking me to some places and showing some things or people. Unless and until we see those things, we cannot figure it out what exactly God is trying to speak to us. Jeremiah could not make it out as to what the potter was making on the wheel but the potter knew beforehand and was shaping that clay accordingly. In the eyes of people, this clay is shapeless, and has no value but the one who has kept this clay on his wheel has a blueprint for the same. People will cripple you, criticize you and even mock you without knowing the will of God towards you. But when you are completely made, they will be amazed! Next time when anyone throws mockery comments on you, just tell them “ I am on the wheel of God’s will, and He has the blueprint.”

We are the children of God and we are in the wheel of His will. So we have no authority to move according to our own will, because if we are out of His wheel we are out of His plan. We are made perfect and complete on His wheel. He doesn’t make any vessel to get marred, but he wants His will to be done in each and every vessel. In the Holy Scriptures we can see God taking many people from the world and putting them on the wheel of His will. Some of vessels were blessed, but some got marred on the wheel itself. The Lord doesn’t cast away the marred ones completely but instead, he takes them up and again puts them on the wheel and gives them another shape.

Moses was born to redeem Israelites from the bondage, but God did not let his or his parent’s will to happen. If we notice carefully, everything that occurred in the life of Moses was against his parents will. Yes in the eyes of his parents, it was against their will, but for God, Moses was on the wheel of His will. When he was put into the small ark and sent into Nile River, his sister and parents thought it’s all over, but they were wrong. If you are in the wheel of God’s will, you may find everything going wrong on your way, but you don’t need to worry! You need to wait because you are flowing towards Pharaoh’s Palace…and this is the will of God! Amen! You may think you are flowing towards death, but wait a minute – you are on the wheel of God; He knows where you are flowing.

Again if we see the life of Moses, he spent 40 years in the wilderness tending the sheep….Oh people might have said that ‘this man was called to redeem Israel but he is tending sheep in the wilderness!’ Hello people! He is not in the wilderness but he is on the wheel of God and after some time, he is going to leave this sheep and see the fire in the bush. Why was Moses sent to tend sheep in the wilderness ? It’s because that he was to walk in the wilderness in the coming days. Was he not on the wheel of the will of God?

Peter toiled the whole night and caught nothing. Hello Peter, don’t worry for you are on the wheel of His will. Fishes will not come because the one who made the fishes wants to come into your life….Jesus wants to touch Peter in such a way that he will fall at the feet of Jesus and say “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord” . When Peter was completely molded, Jesus replied, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” This was the will of God, but later on, as we all know that this same Peter was marred on the wheel of His will by denying and going back for fishing. But the merciful God did not cast him away, but approached him and made him into another vessel and when this vessel stood up in the day of Pentecost and preached the word, 3000 people were saved. Yes the will of God was completed when Peter surrendered himself on the wheel of His will.

Are you a marred vessel today, messed up in every walk of life ? Then surrender yourself to the wheel of God’s will today, because He only has the real blueprint of your life. No one can change your marred condition other than Jesus. There is no place where you can go other than the wheel of His will.

Testimony: I don’t need to worry as long as I am on the wheel of my Lord’s will.. I know He is shaping me. I am in His hands – Left hand inside the vessel and right hand outside the vessel….My God satisfies my inner man with His mercy and divine touch and he supplies all my needs for the outer man with his helping touch. I am serving a living God of whom I have no words to express! I love Him so much.

God bless you brethren.